Cosmetic Dentist – Whiting, IN

Beautifying Smiles with Personalized Cosmetic Dental Treatments

Smiling dental team members of cosmetic dentist in Whiting

When you catch a glimpse of your smile in a photo or the mirror, do you feel like the main focus is tooth discoloration, dental damage, or your gums instead of your healthy pearly whites? Everyone should be able to dawn a smile that they feel confident and comfortable showing off, which is why our team offers several options for cosmetic dentistry in Whiting that makes that possible. After listening to your concerns, desires, and budget, we can recommend one of our cosmetic dental treatments below to get your smile to where you want it to be.

Why Choose United Dental Centers of Whiting for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Serving the Whiting Community Since 1989
  • Highly Experienced & Long-Standing Team
  • Additional Financing Through CareCredit


Young woman looking at dental veneers in Whiting

Dental veneers are a one-stop-shop cosmetic dental service that can address a wide array of aesthetic flaws, including slight misalignment, discoloration, and even dental damage. The veneers themselves are thin, durable porcelain or ceramic sheaths that are secured over the visible surface of affected teeth to make them appear bright, undamaged, and symmetrical. The results of veneers can be truly transformative and last up to 25 years with the proper maintenance.

Learn More About Veneers

Teeth Whitening

Man receiving professional teeth whitening from his dentist

Store-bought teeth whitening products often make big promises that they can’t deliver on. Instead of throwing away money investing in these, you can receive professional in-office or take-home teeth whitening that utilizes concentrated, safe, and effective ingredients. Both options can brighten the smile by up to eight shades within two weeks of at-home treatment or a one-hour appointment with our dental team.

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Three dental restorations against a black background

In the past, dentists would secure metal dental crowns and fillings on teeth to protect, support, and repair them. Not only did they result in unwanted, aesthetic side effects like tooth discoloration and heightened sensitivity, but they also were highly noticeable. Our team utilizes natural-looking, safe, metal-free materials like composite resin, ceramic, zirconia, and porcelain to repair and protect damaged teeth without drawing attention to them.

Direct Bonding

Man receiving direct bonding from Whiting cosmetic dentist

If you have sustained dental damage like a chip or crack, cosmetic dental bonding is a fast, cost-effective repair. Utilizing composite resin, the same material we use to fill cavities, we can sculpt the missing portion of your tooth and texturize it to appear identical to natural tooth enamel. The result is a beautiful-looking, complete smile! Many patients aren’t even able to remember which teeth were damaged after treatment.

Gum Recontouring

Close up of woman with straight white teeth smiling

Do your teeth look small, making your grin appear unsymmetrical? Your healthy pearly whites should be the focal point of your smile instead of pink gum tissue. We offer permanent gum recontouring, where our team will remove overgrown gum tissue, making your teeth appear longer. The results last a lifetime and can help provide a symmetrical and even frame to your smile. 

Digital Dental Imaging

Dental team member taking digital images of a patient's mouth

If the idea of committing to a cosmetic dental treatment without being able to see the results first concerns you and makes you doubt investing in your smile, you’ll love our virtual smile design technology. By scanning your mouth, we can create a digital model of it, allowing us to alter its appearance and show you what your smile would look like after you receive any of our cosmetic treatments. This helps eliminate any doubt you may have about moving forward with beautifying your grin.

Smile Makeovers

Young woman in dental chair smiling at her cosmetic dentist

If there are several aesthetic imperfections that you’d like to address with your smile, a smile makeover may be the best option for you. We’ll ask you about your desires, budget, and timeline, and based on your wishes, create a treatment plan that can include two or more of our cosmetic or restorative dental services. This process can help transform your current smile into one that you feel confident letting shine.